miércoles, 9 de julio de 2014

Don't be afraid of writing something
                                                                  KATIE'S GAME

Katie loved playing video games on her computer, instead of sharing with her mom or her friends. It was about dinner time when Katie enjoyed the last lever of her favourite game because she was going
 to defeat the evil wizard Mag. At that moment, her mom asked to turn the computer off and to go to
the dinning-room , but she was only interested in finishing the level thatt she didn't pay attention to her and what she didn't know was that something weird would happen due to her actions. There was a strange noise similar to broken glasses and the only thing which she could see was different color's lights coming from her computer's screen. She shouted aloud asking for mom's help. However, she didn't hear. Everything was absolutely dark and katie fell asleep. She awoke  and she saw that the wizard, who she tried to defeat to, was in front of her. He said: "now, we can fix our differences" after, he laughed and clarified that he was just kidding. Although Katie couldn't believe what was happening, she started talking to him any way.                                                                                  The wizard seemed mad. katie realised about it and asked whether his anger was because of her. He said yes moving his head but not because she was trying to kill him. One way or another, he had powers to revive, but her relationship with friends and mom. To explain that, He took her to the next level of the game and showed how happy the elves of the kingdom were, the Kingdom that she would have to take care. She'd have to keep up their happiness as well, which meant keeping all them as a family, but how was she going to do that if she had no idea about family's and friends' relationship? She was worried. Therefore, she promised him that if he took her back to home, she'd share and learn how to get along with her mom and friends in order to have the suitable skills to deal with the next level. The wizard accepted it and in a blink of an eye she was having dinner with mom. Finally, Katie kept her promise and she realised that the best moments in our lives are shared with family and friends not with a computer.


martes, 8 de julio de 2014

My Grandparent's House

James D. was a really restless adolescent. It was halfway through the summer holidays and he was fed up and as always, he went exploring. He decided to go to the ancient house of his deceased grandparents in the back of his house. He took the keys from the basement and got in the house. James went in and climbed up to the top of the stairs, when he saw a door which had never been there before.  Without hesitation he entered the room; there was a dark energy which made him feel bewildered but an odd purple chest made him stay. It was a dark chest sealed up with chains and a padlock, beside, a skull-shaped key. “How stupid” he thought and opened it. But just when the chest opened, he realized the silly one had been him. A purple fog emanated from the chest, a smoke screen quickly spread through the room and it gave off a strong smell of putrefaction along with sulfur. In an instant, a puff overwhelmed him and then walls disappeared, time seemed to have stopped, everything felt just as in slow motion. He was gasped for breath and he could only make out a body laid on the floor. With difficulty he got closer and desperately screamed “help, get me out of here!” The purple fog dissipated and he, tormented, realized that the body was his. 
Nothing but he and his body were there. James squeezed it trying to wake himself up but it never responded. Rather, the body suddenly vanished into his arms like sand in the air; a pile of transparent slimy tissue widespread was all that was left on the floor. Instantaneously, he run out of energy and whatever he was at that moment fell down. Yes, he was dying and when the last gasp was about to come, he saw himself getting out from the room but he knew it was not James Davis, not anymore… 

Miguel Angel Carrillo

lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

I remember I was tired but I could not stop playing. I would arrive at the last stage because somehow I had to get it, - yes I was really stubborn and out of mind-. I do not know what happened but twinkles came from the screen, it flickered endlessly. I could not stand it and I fainted. Apparently many time had happened and I had dissipated. All I could look around was a dark and somber forest, a big bonfire and a boiling cauldron. The worst moment -I had never lived- had not come yet. A sinister creature handled the cauldron, and me I jut was terrified, sweating, trembling. Surprisingly, while I tried to orient myself, the bets somberly and slowly got closer to me until it stood in front of me with her hairy tail, a long hair hanging down to the grown, her old gaunt face, her long and thin nose and her long nails that made her hands look like claws.  I was absolutely terrified …Then, when it was in front of me, it caressed me with its rough hands and its long nails; immediately my face bled and I lost the capacity to difference between the blood and the sweat that were flowing from my face. ME, Katie, I lost every hope I had, there was no rescue for me at all.
A blinding light surrounded us and I felt happy because I knew that was the end. Fortunately it was, but it was not the end I had been hoped for; a stretcher, a doctor and my mom, sit at my side, caressing me. Two days after my return, I realized I had suffered from convulsions during two days. My mom had put a drug in my breakfast to which I was allergic...                         
                                                                                                             MIGUEL ANGEL CARRILLO