martes, 8 de julio de 2014

My Grandparent's House

James D. was a really restless adolescent. It was halfway through the summer holidays and he was fed up and as always, he went exploring. He decided to go to the ancient house of his deceased grandparents in the back of his house. He took the keys from the basement and got in the house. James went in and climbed up to the top of the stairs, when he saw a door which had never been there before.  Without hesitation he entered the room; there was a dark energy which made him feel bewildered but an odd purple chest made him stay. It was a dark chest sealed up with chains and a padlock, beside, a skull-shaped key. “How stupid” he thought and opened it. But just when the chest opened, he realized the silly one had been him. A purple fog emanated from the chest, a smoke screen quickly spread through the room and it gave off a strong smell of putrefaction along with sulfur. In an instant, a puff overwhelmed him and then walls disappeared, time seemed to have stopped, everything felt just as in slow motion. He was gasped for breath and he could only make out a body laid on the floor. With difficulty he got closer and desperately screamed “help, get me out of here!” The purple fog dissipated and he, tormented, realized that the body was his. 
Nothing but he and his body were there. James squeezed it trying to wake himself up but it never responded. Rather, the body suddenly vanished into his arms like sand in the air; a pile of transparent slimy tissue widespread was all that was left on the floor. Instantaneously, he run out of energy and whatever he was at that moment fell down. Yes, he was dying and when the last gasp was about to come, he saw himself getting out from the room but he knew it was not James Davis, not anymore… 

Miguel Angel Carrillo

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