lunes, 7 de julio de 2014

I remember I was tired but I could not stop playing. I would arrive at the last stage because somehow I had to get it, - yes I was really stubborn and out of mind-. I do not know what happened but twinkles came from the screen, it flickered endlessly. I could not stand it and I fainted. Apparently many time had happened and I had dissipated. All I could look around was a dark and somber forest, a big bonfire and a boiling cauldron. The worst moment -I had never lived- had not come yet. A sinister creature handled the cauldron, and me I jut was terrified, sweating, trembling. Surprisingly, while I tried to orient myself, the bets somberly and slowly got closer to me until it stood in front of me with her hairy tail, a long hair hanging down to the grown, her old gaunt face, her long and thin nose and her long nails that made her hands look like claws.  I was absolutely terrified …Then, when it was in front of me, it caressed me with its rough hands and its long nails; immediately my face bled and I lost the capacity to difference between the blood and the sweat that were flowing from my face. ME, Katie, I lost every hope I had, there was no rescue for me at all.
A blinding light surrounded us and I felt happy because I knew that was the end. Fortunately it was, but it was not the end I had been hoped for; a stretcher, a doctor and my mom, sit at my side, caressing me. Two days after my return, I realized I had suffered from convulsions during two days. My mom had put a drug in my breakfast to which I was allergic...                         
                                                                                                             MIGUEL ANGEL CARRILLO 

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